quinta-feira, maio 21, 2015

"Never mind the learning disability, here's PKN"

A BBC publicou uma interessante reportagem da autoria de Nikki Fox, sobre os finlandeses Pertii Kurikan Nimipävät, a banda punk composta por elementos que sofrem de Trissomia 21 e que participam no Eurofestival deste ano...

Never mind the learning disability, here's PKN

Pertti Kurikan Nimipäivät - PKN for short - formed in 2009. They have toured in 10 countries, made a film called The Punk Syndrome and have released several records, including one about their love of coffee. Signed to Sony, the band now earns enough money to become less dependent on support from the welfare system.

Podem ler a reportagem na íntegra, clicando aqui!